Connect with nature through work & play
Adventurer. Builder. Guide.
Like many people who are deeply in love with nature, I live two lives: one playing and exploring the great outdoors, and another pursuing meaningful work for people and planet. I am always trying to bring these parts of my life into greater alignment. Time in the wilderness helps me reflect on life’s biggest questions and brings me clarity on how to best pursue my mission in this lifetime.
In my career, I’ve had a wonderful opportunity to build great products at Google, X (the moonshot factory), and Oceankind. I leverage my years of product management experience to partner with mission-driven startups and venture funds, philanthropists and foundations, and nonprofit organizations to help them achieve greater impact for our planet. This includes project-specific work, teaching innovation and “moonshot thinking” workshops, executive coaching, and impact investing.
I also love working with people who are seeking more fulfillment in their lives through connecting with nature. Since this has been something I’m always trying to balance, I encourage people to build a relationship with nature in their own backyard as well as on epic conservation-oriented wilderness adventures. Through coaching and guiding, I also assist my clients in thinking through big career transitions, typically when they long to work on solving climate change and biodiversity loss.

Work & play,
for nature.
Does your organization develop products and services that help nature?

“In every walk with nature
one receives far more than he seeks.”
~ John Muir